Thursday, October 29, 2009

The Artificial ILLUSTRATES

some of these hand-drawn illustrations made my jaw drop. i can never stop loving it when artists stick to traditional mediums. as much as i love graphic design and feel that it does crazy amazing things, there is just a certain aura and authentic quality about an illustration that has been done entirely by hand. this is true talent that is handed down by the gods.

ricardo fumanal
rikke jorgensen
rikke jorgensen
ricardo fumanal
ricardo fumanal
ricardo fumanal
connie lim
connie lim

unknown artist
fumi mini nakamura
esra roise
esra roise
david bray

The Artificial STRUTS

lucien mathis' show was amazing. all of the gowns were amazing. see more from the show at

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The Artificial IS SCARED

In celebration of halloween festivities, we are sharing with you what scares us.
gotta get them when they're young
this is actually kinda sexy...
what's worse than having a black cat cross your path? having three black cats crossing your path.
please help me understand
please don't upset the americans
drowning = biggest fear
new meaning to skin and bone
oh dear
2nd biggest fear
so scary. so pretty.
so scary. but no so pretty
i'm shaking in my boots
high-fashion wicca
another youngster ahead of his game
help me

The Artificial M.I.C.K.E.Y.M.O.U.S.E.

while i was surfing all of the gazillion blogs i follow, i started noticing a trend. can you spot it?

them thangs
tavik swimwear 2009
tavik swimwear 2009
paco peregrin
oleg dou
brian m. viveros
nick knight
chenman photography
chenman photography

Sunday, October 18, 2009

The Artificial BEARD LUSTS

samuel beam

george harrison

devendra banhart

j. tillman

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


watercolor subjects usually have the tendency to be soft, feminine, 'pretty'; things like landscapres, women and flowers making regular appearances. but christian shoeler in his 'Si le Grain ne Meurt' series chose to use subjects that denote the opposite of the classic watercolor -men. and boy, are they beautiful. they're so dreamlike yet incredibly life like.